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Integrate your Accounting System with URA EFRIS

URA has resolved that all VAT registered companies issue e-invoices or e-receipts for every business supply made (whether exempt or taxable) using the URA Electronic Fiscal Receipting and Invoicing System (EFRIS). And that every VAT credit, refund claim an Income tax deduction or expenditure shall not be granted unless such credit, refund claim, expenditure, or deduction […]
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Top 5 Advantages of Microsoft Office for Business

Originally released all the way back in 1990, Microsoft Office evolved from its simple origins into the dominant productivity suite on the planet. According to research conducted by Softpedia, there were over a billion Microsoft Office users worldwide as of 2012 – many of whom were business users. There are a wide range of different […]
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New Updates for Microsoft Stream Cloud Recordings

Update Overview Microsoft recently announced that they will be making some updates to the cloud recordings regional storage control. If you’re not familiar with Microsoft Stream, all meeting recordings within Microsoft Teams are stored in Microsoft Stream. However, tenant admins do have the option of turning ON/OFF the ability to “Allow Cloud Recording”. Currently, the […]
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Top 10 Tips for Microsoft Teams

Teams has matured quite significantly from its release date back in 2016. Throughout those years I’ve come across many features that I’ve found essential for work, so I’ve compiled a list of the top ten Teams tips (wow that’s a tongue twister) that you can use to get the most out of Teams! Send an […]
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HRP Solutions is a private limited company partnering with Microsoft­ to offer business solutions to organizations within the West, East, Central and South Africa.